Sunday, January 16, 2005

Working Email Addresses to use in Schapelle's Fight

The email address for Downer given in the last post did not work, so here are some others I have found (and written to; see below for my message, feel free to use it either wholy or in part. Just -- please, do it!)


Email Prime Minister John Howard: -- this page contains a working form for easy submission of your requests. Use it!

[Bennelong residents may email Prime Minister Howard using this form instead:]

Email Alexander Downer: and

Contact the Australian Government (online form):

Contact Australia's Attorney General, Philip Ruddock (online form):

Contact the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women's Issues, Kay Patterson, also Senator of Victoria: or use the online form at

Other Australian Senators' Email Addresses:

Email the Liberal Party Secretariat:


Contacts for the ABC: and

Contacts for The Australian newspaper: [really long link]

Contacts for The Advertiser and Sunday Mail newspapers: [another long link]

My letter
Dear <...>,

I write regarding Schapelle Corby, currently sitting in jail in Bali.

I feel torn that Australia is giving so much time & aid to this country, when one of our own is suffering daily and sitting in jail although it is likely she is innocent.

What is the government doing for her at the moment?

Can you please keep this issue in the media spotlight?

We cannot forget her -- she needs Australia's help.

I beg you to please keep fighting for Schapelle, she is unable to fight for herself while kept captive in a foreign land.

If there is anything else that we, or I, or Australia can do, please let me know.

Thank you for your time and attention here.


  • Include your postal address if you wish to receive a reply.

  • Be polite!

If anyone has other contacts, links or new on Schapelle, please post them in the comments here.

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