Monday, January 10, 2005

What's happened to Shapelle?

I'm stunned by the fact that I can hardly find any news on Shapelle Corby, the Australian girl who's currently sitting in jail in Bali waiting for her trial. She has been charged with importing -- yes, I said importing -- 4kg of marijuana to Bali.

Ridiculous, the whole story, really. Everything looks like a setup of mammoth proportions to me, but I'm struggling to keep track as there is just no news to be found! Google News currently returns absolutely nothing for a search on her name. Strange, and shameful on the part of the Australian media, and our government. Yes, there are other major events going on, but Shapelle, 28, is there by herself in a small cell where she has no freedom, and no idea of how long she'll be there.

She's a gorgeous looking girl, who could just as easily be me. Or you. Or the person next to you.

Come on Howard, Downer -- get back on her case. Please. Don't forget Shapelle.


Anonymous said...

Try the Australian Coalition Against Death Penalty web site.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see even a single article in the U.S. national news about Shapelle. I am an American an my news comes from a constable e-pal of many years from Australia. We have begun a candle lighting vigil for Shapelle across the ocean and would ask anyone concerned, to do the same and more (we wish to do more as well??). In the media, this injustice seemed to be set aside for more (seemingly) important Papal issues from Vatican City. Perhaps, the new Pope can join us in prayer and hope that her release will be swift and that justice will be served.

Anonymous said...

why is it that everyone feels the same way but absolutly nothing can be done about it. Surely 20 million australians can not sit back and let her rot in jail.

Anonymous said...

why is suddenly everyone legally equipped to find her innocent, maybe she did do it, only she knows the truth, if she did let her rot, if she didnt bummer

Anonymous said...

I think shapelle cory is extremely hot, such a good looking girl, and unfortunatly this does not in any way make her innocent. If in shapelles place was a lebanese man named ahmid, nobody would give a fuck and you all would probably think he is guilty.

Anonymous said...
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