Friday, February 18, 2005

Where is the Australian Government??

I cannot believe the situation with Schapelle Corby, still fighting for her life in Bali, having received NO HELP from the Australian Government. It has gone from terrible to horrific, with everything looking blacker and blacker.

What on earth is going on over there?? And why has Howard not helped at all yet? It just doesn't make sense.
"I really can't understand why the Australian Government is not doing more," said her uncle from Denpasar. "If a politician's daughter had been arrested in similar circumstances, much more would have been done."
So true.

The Indonesian Government want a scapegoat, want someone to blame, want to look tough. But to take the life of an obviously innocent girl for that? It's like a mediaval witch-hunt, except their "witch" is no witch at all.

More articles from the last week:

Someone needs to organise a rally to the Aus. Government. Storm Parliament House, demand action.

And Australians should stop visiting Bali. It's an evil, corrupt country, run by a crooked government and archaic laws.

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