Interestingly, the latter gives Mozilla approximately 18% for the first quarter of 2001. I was using Mozilla then, before switching to Phoenix just before it became Firefox, but I had no idea so many others were too. In retrospect though, like many other ex-Netscape users I was rather jaded. Browser stats was something I actively avoided back then, as seeing my beloved Netscape tumbling down from its regal throne was devasting, to say the least.
But now -- well. All hail the new king!!
IE Sucks
I happened to look at this page in IE the other day, and discovered (with not a heckuva lot of surprise) that IE is making a right royal mess of it.When it comes to CSS Positioning, IE just doesn't get it, never has. It is full of bugs, obviously a result of Microsoft's programmers not understanding "Standards"... or, possibly more accurately, not giving a toss.
Part of me wants to say: "Ha Ha!" and not do a thing, small personal revenge on MS for ousting Netscape in such a nasty, sly way, however many (most?) users simply don't care as much about this sort of thing as others, and just want to see the content. So for you guys'n'gals, at some point in the future, when I can be arsed, I'll fix this. ;-)
Then again, I may just switch blogging tools. I'm getting annoyed more and more frequently these days with Blogger's inadequacies, lack of categories being a big one. I would like to know when I last did a site review (um, ages ago) and see just how lopsided my scales actually are now, with Firefox rants on one side far outweighing everything else on the other. Heh.
I'm thinking about giving WordPress another go, a serious go this time, but I guess that'd mean moving from this address. Hmm. Kinda like not having this on my site, empty as that site is anyway! Also feel very drawn to the idea of building my own, but I don't have a heap of time up my sleeve at the moment. Or ever.
Dunno. Don't care quite enough yet. We'll see.
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