Thursday, January 27, 2005

How Much Does Microsoft Pay David Coursey?

Coursey betters his own previous, overly-biased, pro-MS garbage in the linked article from, Ziff Davis' enterprise and IT news portal:
Microsoft doesn't generally outright lie to people, so when the company says it's ready to fully—and rapidly—comply with the ruling, I believe it. This is another example of how Microsoft is trying to get its legal problems solved as quickly as possible.
So, so many things wrong in that paragraph. Microsoft are trying to solve legal problems quickly? Whose time scale are you on, David?

He follows that pearler with a dig on the European Commision judge's name. (Top class, Coursey. No, really.) And then another, actually attempting to belittle the judge himself:
Suppose Judge Bo Vesterdorf had been ruling in a case that actually mattered?
Typical, patriotic American bullshit at its best. Except that Coursey -- thankfully -- isn't a typical American. (Thank god for that.) It obviously pays well to suck up Microsoft's arse. Why else would any supposedly knowledgable IT journalist ignore basic facts that prove again and again that MS have done the dirty on anyone they could?

Let's see -- plenty of other one-eyed, blind-eyed, pro-MS propaganda to choose from here.
Customers want Media Player
They do? Whose customers are these?
It reflects the new world in which there are non-American opinions that matter and must be taken into account.
Beggars belief, that one.
There is also the prospect that Microsoft will be targeted as a way of punishing an American company and/or protecting local enterprise.
Is this guy for real? Oh yes David, people "target" Microsoft purely because they're American. Factors such as previous anti-competitive behaviour and duplicitous actions taken by the massively rich company on both local and global levels don't come into it, do they? Oh no. No, really.

Wow. Stuns me that this man is still actually allowed to publish. Perhaps it is done purely to rile others like myself, who see his branded words and reach once more for the bucket?

Well, if that's the case Ziff Davis -- it's working.

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