Thursday, January 13, 2005

Greer is Gone

Had it slightly wrong the other day. Germaine Greer was appearing on the UK's Celebrity Big Brother, not the Australian version. And now, five days into the series, she has quit.

Can't say I blame her, being stuck in a house with both Brigitte Neilsen and Jackie Stallone [what on earth are they thinking?!] plus a lingerie model, a drug-loving dancer, and a host of other wannabees and B-graders... death by plastic, perhaps?

The big question, however, is how her image has suffered -- if at all. An interesting article in The Australian quotes various Australian feminists on this question, and it seems opinion is divided.

Personally, I say "Good on her" for going in there, but can't help being surprised and disappointed she has quit. I have a feeling she'll regret it in the long run, too -- not for initially entering the reality TV show, but for not sticking around till the end. She'll be watching the series on her own television now, and undoubtedly there will be many prime opportunities in which she could have put Jackie or Brigitte in their place, or added inestimable value to the vapid talk of the remaining plastic fantastic.

Actually, that is not entirely correct, apparently there are a few brain cells left in the house. Just don't ask Jackie.

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