Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Happy Birthday to... Miinx Liinx!

I've just realised that this month marks the one year anniversary/birthday/celebration/etc for my lil blog here, Miinx Liinx.

Wasn't sure when I started how far it would go, either in content or in time, but I've found over the past year that I do quite enjoy having somewhere public (yet still relatively anonymous) to mouth off whenever the urge strikes.

Was planning to mainly write web-related stuff at first, but when Schapelle Corby went to jail in October 2004 in Indonesia for the most outrageous charge... well, I couldn't stay quiet about that, and my blog & I veered. And I've kinda stayed veered into the more newsworthy-for-Australians type stuff since then. Cos, y'know, I'm Australian.

Works for me, but what about you? Like me? Hate me? Let me know. :)

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