Friday, July 01, 2005

Tom and Katie -- Relationship Sealed with a Handshake

This ain't the first time I've heard this particular story, which obviously means nothing in the grand scheme of things except that word does travel fast!

But- "What story?" you ask. Why, that would be the Tom's-been-hunting-for-the-perfect-new-partner story, of course.

Apparently the deal with Holmes is worth $5 million, and lasts exactly five years, with no sex. He churned through a list of other more preferable choices before finding a girl willing to comply with the contract, the list including Scarlett Johannson (who was so freaked out by his text message bombardment of herself that she pulled out of MI3), Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba and Lindsay Lohan.

The article linked here, however, goes further than this, claiming this is all part of Cruise's ongoing and massive coverup of his homosexuality, naming Matchbox 20's Rob Thomas as Cruise's current lover.

Gotta say, this wouldn't surprise me one bit. Cruise and Katie's LoveFest has been rather sickening and overly cheesy, to say the least.

More extremely interesting info (for gossip-hungry mavens like myself) here:,2933,160192,00.html

Like the fact that Tom Cruise was actually never Katie's favourite actor -- it was Tom Hanks.

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