Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Installation - Make Your Own 3D Playground

Wow. Amazing. Virtual blobby things, drawn with a pen into the air through a "window". You need to go and check this out.

Actually, I'm a bit behind the times here. Simon Greenwold at MIT Media Labs debuted Installation way back in 2001 and won a few awards with it in 2002, including a bronze in the 2002 I.D. Magazine Interactive Media Design Review. He was also personally invited to demonstrate the system to Intel for the Intel Corporate Research Fair of that year.

Apart from Installation, Mr. Greenwold has been amassing a fascinating collection of experiments and developments in spatial and graphical areas of human-computer interaction for the last 15 years or so. Does that sound wordy? Well, man, take a look -- he's just way cool.

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