Thursday, November 04, 2004

Busy but Hungry

So much going on at the moment... working on some new stuff, refreshing some old stuff, learning a heap of good stuff... and there is just so much more that slips right on by.

Firefox is still powering on full steam ahead, with no movement at all from Redmond in defense, making me think Gates has already given up on IE, realising that it's a dead, rotting carcas of a browser not worth anyone's time.

(Dreaming again.)

There is talk that Google are making a browser based on either Firefox and/or Gecko core code (both from Mozilla), And you see, that is one of the beautiful things about Mozilla -- it's all open-source, which fosters innovation, invention and collaboration. MS likes to pretend to be a team-player, but it's not, ohhhhhh man is it not. (Anyone remember Communicator?)

XUL is beautiful.

I had a heap to say two hours ago when I started this, but now, 3 coffees, innumerable quickly-scanned web pages and an uncomfortable backside later, I really need to get some work done...

(Has anyone invented a Time Reversal Machine yet?)

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