Monday, September 06, 2004

Bloggers Love Firefox

The linked site above is currently running a poll on "Your choice of browser", and, with 43 votes so far, the results are overwhelmingly in favour of Firefox: 79%, compared to IE's 9%, Safari's 6% and Opera's 4%.

Whether or not this site is indicative of the global population is hard to say. I'm keen to find more personal -- or other -- sites currently running polls on browser usage, including non-blog-related sites. A broader data sample is essential due to the sheer density of web logs around -- blogs could easily gain niche popularity, but are they then representative?

For that matter, are blog users typical of web users in general? Would the average 9-to-5 worker, who only checks their email and reads their favourite gossip/sports sites, ever be likely to hear about blogging, or Firefox?

Firefox may gain favour quickly amongst bloggers, but if said bloggees are an introverted, parochial lot -- or, worse, leading a double life and not telling "real" friends about their blog -- then it'll stop there.

However, Firefox 1.0 is imminent and the excitement is palpable -- and it's no longer constrained to just net geeks. The Firefox tide is still coming in, and we've only just started making waves. Watch out IE, you're starting to leak...

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